Comments Rating Link
Buyer paid promptly, was communicative - would love to sell to them again!
- kitten (Seller)
Positive (07/12/21) Loris Star Crossbody Pochette 07/12/21
Friendly, quick to pay, and just a great buyer overall. Thank you!
- acutebird (Seller)
Positive (05/17/21) (Closet Cleaning) The Librarian Lady Skirt | Haenuli | S | Black/Grey 05/17/21
Wonderful buyer! Great communication.
- mashedpotatos05 (Seller)
Positive (04/05/21) Little Kitty Bouquet Tiered JSK 04/05/21
Fast communication and fast payment!! Great buyer ever!!
- IrisJ (Seller)
Positive (03/22/21) Contact Ribbon Double Bag 03/22/21
A great buyer! Very good communication and payment was quick! Thank you for this pleasant transaction ! :)
- Flo-chan (Seller)
Positive (03/02/21) Alice and the Pirates Vampire Forest Carmilla JSK 03/02/21
Perfect buyer! Quick payment and communicative. Would definitely sell to again.
- jootsu (Seller)
Positive (02/23/21) NWT Violet Fane Otome Nostalgia in pink size xs-L / Free ship to USA! 02/23/21
The buyer's communication was clear and friendly, and the invoice was paid quickly. Thank you for a pleasant transaction.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (02/15/21) Bodyline Dark Lavender/Light Purple Brenda 4 Tier Frill OP with Cameo (L087) Size 2L NWOT with Minor Flaws 02/15/21