Comments | Rating | Link |
Seller had great communication, shipping, and is a wonderful person to buy from!! Thank you, Dresden!
- Siedlce (Buyer) |
Positive (10/08/14) | Sugar Hearts OP+Headbow Set (Price Reduced!) |
Perfect! Shipped sooo quickly!
- BunnyLOX (Buyer) |
Positive (08/15/14) | Angelic Pretty Colorful Hearts Skirt (Price Reduced!) |
The seller had excellent communication and it arrived in a nice, neat package. Thanks!
- chocola (Buyer) |
Positive (08/15/14) | Offbrand Classic Blouse |
Responded in a timely manner, very understanding and worked with me for purchasing multiple items. Items arrived well protected and extremely quickly. :) I couldn't be happier! (just leaving one comment, but it applies to multiple auctions)
- avery13 (Buyer) |
Positive (06/26/14) | Secret Shop Pansy OTKs |
Responded in a timely manner, very understanding and worked with me for purchasing multiple items. Items arrived well protected and extremely quickly. :) I couldn't be happier! (just leaving one comment, but it applies to multiple auctions)
- avery13 (Buyer) |
Positive (06/26/14) | Secret Shop Music UTKs |
Responded in a timely manner, very understanding and worked with me for purchasing multiple items. Items arrived well protected and extremely quickly. :) I couldn't be happier! (just leaving one comment, but it applies to multiple auctions)
- avery13 (Buyer) |
Positive (06/26/14) | Bodyline Sax Ribbon Knee Highs |
Responded in a timely manner, very understanding and worked with me for purchasing multiple items. Items arrived well protected and extremely quickly. :) I couldn't be happier! (just leaving one comment, but it applies to multiple auctions)
- avery13 (Buyer) |
Positive (06/26/14) | Secret Shop Sweet Print Knee-Highs |