Comments Rating Link
Always a pleasure to work with this buyer! Payment was quick and communication was clear and friendly as usual. Thanks again!
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (10/24/22) Bodyline Pink and White Twin Rose Headdress (Acc064) NWOT with Stain 10/24/22
Always a pleasure to work with this buyer! Payment was quick and communication was clear and friendly as usual. Thanks again!
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (10/24/22) Bodyline Black Cinderella Bunny Skirt (L482) Size L NWT 10/24/22
Thank you! This buyer was easy to work with . Highly recommend!!
- soubibass (Seller)
Positive (10/07/22) 3 blouse bundle 10/07/22
Thank you!
- Ivysky (Seller)
Positive (10/03/22) Heart E Red headbow 10/03/22
Quick payment, thanks very much ^^
- imyourkitty (Seller)
Positive (09/22/22) *Styled* DALAO - Evening Mist Wig - Ultra Long (120cm) Wavy Wig 09/22/22
Always a pleasure to work with this buyer! Payment was quick and communication was clear and friendly as usual. Thanks again!
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (09/15/22) Bodyline Black Double Bow Headdress (Acc832) NWOT 09/15/22
Buyer paid quickly and communication was great!
- Woofie (Seller)
Positive (09/15/22) Custom Glittertale JSK 09/15/22
The buyer was friendly and paid promptly!
- sakuurairo (Seller)
Positive (08/16/22) Pink sheer cropped blouse 08/16/22
This buyer was wonderful! They had great communication and paid quickly. Thank you so much!
- magicalgirlme (Seller)
Positive (08/09/22) In My Name Mid-Heel Shoes 08/09/22
Great communication and description. Timely shipping and quick to reply. I love the dress! Thank you!
- Casie (Buyer)
Positive (07/13/22) Black and white parade JSK 07/13/22
Very nice and quick to respond! Item can almost just as described, missing some gemstones on the wrist cuff and a charm on the pin, but otherwise perfectly fine!
- Casie (Buyer)
Positive (07/13/22) Resplendent Night Sky OP 07/13/22
Seller was very kind and shipped super fast. I appreciate that.
- Batya (Buyer)
Positive (07/13/22) Honey Margarett JSK OWH 2L 07/13/22
Fast payment and great communication (^3^♪
- tulutulu (Seller)
Positive (06/14/22) Free worldwide airmail white adjustable petticoat plus size 06/14/22
Always a pleasure to work with this buyer! Payment was quick and communication was clear and friendly as usual. Thanks again!
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (06/12/22) Bodyline White and Off-White (owh) Honey Margaret JSK (L365) Size 2L NWT with Stain 06/12/22
Lovely buyer, very friendly and prompt with payment. Would sell to them again! :)
- keshouho (Seller)
Positive (06/02/22) Pink Laser Tea Party Shoes 06/02/22
Thank you so much for your business! <3
- meganletti (Seller)
Positive (05/16/22) Magical Amulet JSK w/ Optional Matching Veil in Lavender by Angelic Pretty 05/16/22
Thank you so much for your business, I appreciate it alot. Should you want to purchase anything from me again, I'd be happy to give you 5% off your next purchase.
- meganletti (Seller)
Positive (05/16/22) Magical Amulet Veil Headress in Lavender by Angelic Pretty 05/16/22
buyer was wonderful to work with and paid promptly. thank you!!
- lilabetam (Seller)
Positive (04/28/22) Devilinspiried/Lollipops Lolita Teddy's Birthday JSK (2021) 04/28/22
Wonderful transaction! Buyer had wonderful communication, polite, and completed invoice quickly. I would recommend this buyer any time <3
- daymares&nightdreams (Seller)
Positive (04/19/22) Sweet Summer Gingham JSK - Plus-size Friendly 04/19/22
Seller was very communicative about all of my questions and everything about shipping and shipped fast even with a tight schedule. The dress fits my sister perfectly and is in very good condition. Thank you so much!
- AdiaOctavia (Buyer)
Positive (04/12/22) Little Dipper Princess Windors XL purple 04/12/22