Comments Rating Link
Great transaction
- quichedujour (Seller)
Positive (12/02/16) All Kinds of Fur - The Angel Choir JSK in black 12/02/16
great communication prompt payment very kind
- Kokoro (Seller)
Positive (10/31/16) BTSSB/Disney alice bunny cape BNWT 10/31/16
- Jola (Seller)
Positive (10/29/16) AP Violin Chocolat Necklace 10/29/16
Very nice buyer, paid quickly and great communication :D Thank you so much!
- ndrr703 (Seller)
Positive (06/09/16) REPLICA BTSSB Bunny Milk and Snow Strawberry Ribbon blue JSK SET 06/09/16
Hello :) You won the auction! So do you still want to buy the umbrella? I would be glad if I can sell it to you. Nice regards Yuna
- user_17644 (Seller)
Positive (05/09/16) Umbrella Angelic Pretty 05/09/16
Great buyer. Fast communication and payment
- yamipurrpurr (Seller)
Positive (04/24/16) NWT BTSSB Stardust Fantasia ~Holoscope of Twins Star Kittens~ JSK I +OTK 04/24/16