Comments Rating Link
Great buyer, would be happy to sell to again! Thank you for a smooth transaction!
- akogare (Seller)
Positive (12/14/19) *Worldwide shipping included* BLACK PEACE NOW Crown Embroidery Skirt navy 12/14/19
Excellent buyer!! Fast payment and very communicative! I am happy that my headbands found a new home! Thank you sooooo much! :)
- bebeoctopus (Seller)
Positive (12/13/19) 2 Taobao indie brands headdresses/headbands bundle - NWT/NWOT 12/13/19
Friendly, considerate seller. Fast shipping, great and timely communication. Thank you again!
- ametista_nocturnia (Buyer)
Positive (12/12/19) Tripp Bondage Bathing Suit 12/12/19
Seller was very prompt and friendly. Dress was in fine condition too. Thank you for writing my address in Hanguel, and a lovely letter too :3❤️ I would love to make a deal with you again.
- Min Jung Kim (Buyer)
Positive (12/11/19) BLACK FRIDAY SALE Metamorphose Mini Wedding Gown Rose Satin Jacquard JSK 12/11/19
Very quick shipping, items came as described <3
- cendddd (Buyer)
Positive (12/10/19) *reserved* NWT Fanzy Fantasy Offshoulder Blouse 12/10/19
the dress is so beautiful!!! I love it thank you!
- Shirokun (Buyer)
Positive (12/06/19) BLACK FRIDAY SALE NWT Little Dipper Classic Mary OP Black 12/06/19
beautiful piece, just as described
- 34_23 (Buyer)
Positive (12/04/19) Metamorphose Tiered High Waist Skirt 12/04/19
Great seller, fast shipping, and lovely to talk to. I'll definitely buy from you again!
- LawrCat6 (Buyer)
Positive (12/04/19) *reserved* h.Naoto Jelly Blue Print Skirt 12/04/19
Smooth and quick transaction! Item is as described! Thank you! :)
- tea_so_sweet (Buyer)
Positive (12/02/19) NWT Taobao Chiffon Underskirt Navy 12/02/19
communicative and quick seller! very satisfied :)
- cendddd (Buyer)
Positive (12/02/19) *reserved* Bodyline Moulin Halter JSK 12/02/19
Ordered for a friend and she loves it :) The seller was quick to ship and transaction was very easy. Thank you!
- LadyIra (Buyer)
Positive (11/29/19) IW Stand Collar Cotton Blouse 11/29/19
Great seller. Thank you!
- starrymouse (Buyer)
Positive (11/27/19) NWT IW Bambi Underbust Corset JSK 11/27/19
Great, friendly communication. Fast invoice and ship-out. Packaged safely. Item as described. I would buy again from this seller! :)
- berryhedgehog (Buyer)
Positive (11/26/19) BtSSB Ribbon Heart Patterned Bolero 11/26/19
Great, friendly communication. Fast invoice and ship-out. Packaged safely. Item as described. I would buy again from this seller! :)
- berryhedgehog (Buyer)
Positive (11/26/19) BtSSB Bunny Ear Fur Coat 11/26/19
Vest is in amazing condition! Tracking never updated, but that's the post office's error and not the seller's. Great communication!!
- glimlolly (Buyer)
Positive (11/18/19) BPN Halter Vest 11/18/19
Shipped extremely fast and added to my cute asf collection. Thank you!
- Pastelia (Buyer)
Positive (11/16/19) *Holiday Sale!* BTSSB Antoinette Bouquet Woven Gobelin Corset JSK (Free US Shipping!) 11/16/19
Lovely all around; excellent seller, brilliant product, would recommend! Thank you!
- HurricanePixie (Buyer)
Positive (11/14/19) Kreepsville Bat Wing Top 11/14/19
Great communication, fast shipping, item as described. Will buy again.
- ayumi199124 (Buyer)
Positive (11/11/19) Putumayo Country Fairytale Dress 11/11/19
Perfect Buyer, very friendly and patient even if i took for ever with everything, sorry about that again. I'm happy you are happy with the dress
- kuroYumi (Seller)
Positive (11/11/19) Long ears and sharp ears west dress *reserved for MirrorMannequin* 11/11/19
Came with free socks!
- Tempest (Buyer)
Positive (11/11/19) *Relist* Sou-Sou Ninja Shoes 11/11/19