Comments Rating Link
Wonderful seller! Sent quickly and kept track of purchase. Also sent a really nice free gift! Thank you so much - I love it!
- meteorie (Buyer)
Positive (03/02/15) Chest Ribbon Strawberry JSK in ivory 03/02/15
Great buyer and perfect transaction! I have sold to her before and will happily sell to again in the future. Communication is always polite and payments were prompt! Thanks again!
- Kittybongo (Seller)
Positive (11/13/14) AP Loyal Rosette JSK in Red NWT 11/13/14
Perfect seller. Fast communication and shipping, everything is great overall !
- baaohaan (Buyer)
Positive (11/08/14) Musee du Chocolat Princess OP + Headbow in ivory 11/08/14
Beautiful skirt, lovely condition, excellent seller, quick delivery. Thank you!
- littletoffle (Buyer)
Positive (10/27/14) Metamorphose temps de fille Rose Cameo skirt in pink 10/27/14