Comments Rating Link
Great buyer! Good communication and paid quickly. Thank you again!!
- sydieee (Seller)
Positive (02/17/23) Pocket Watch Necklace 02/17/23
Thank you for a quick and easy transaction. Great buyer
- jbear (Seller)
Positive (09/19/22) NWT Moi Meme Moitie Iron Gate OP 09/19/22
The seller was absolutely lovely, and the item arrived quickly and exactly as described
- Rhyolight (Buyer)
Positive (09/16/22) (BRAND NEW) Taobao Navy Blue Classic OP 09/16/22
The buyer's communication was clear and friendly, and the invoice was paid quickly. Thank you for a pleasant transaction.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (07/24/22) RESERVED for NotAhri: Bodyline Red and Black Naomi Bat Girl Uniform 4 Piece Separate Set Size L NWT with Flaw 07/24/22
Great Price. Accurate description. Fast shipping. Seller is very nice~ I love this dress! Thank you so much!!!
- Fongchi (Buyer)
Positive (06/26/22) Dorothy's Baby Doll JSK (2020) with Headdress 06/26/22
Good communication, fast payment, great buyer!
- TheFancyAdventurer (Seller)
Positive (06/12/22) Gothic Bunny Purse 06/12/22
Perfect buyer! Friendly and pleasant to chat with. Would always be happy to do business with you again! :)
- MirrorMannequin (Seller)
Positive (05/17/22) h.Naoto Jelly & Honey Lace Bolero 05/17/22
very smooth transaction
- elise901 (Seller)
Positive (05/11/22) Black gothic accessories lot 05/11/22
Every step of transaction was very prompt ! Thank you very much for your purchase :)
- total_eclipse (Seller)
Positive (05/08/22) [NWT] AP Lacy Heart Garden ( JSK + KC ) SET 05/08/22