Comments Rating Link
Great transaction with fast shipping!
- theemilie (Buyer)
Positive (01/20/15) Infanta Black x Blue Bonnet 01/20/15
Fast payment! Thank you! ^____^
- Hellolitakitty (Seller)
Positive (11/20/14) URGENT SALE-Angelic Pretty Whip Doll Blouse 11/20/14
Paid promptly and let me know as soon as the package arrived, perfect transaction, thank you very much.
- Alyssiumbaby (Seller)
Positive (10/16/14) Alice and the Pirates Rosalia Princess Gauze Bonnet 10/16/14
Great buyer! Polite and professional, quick to respond and pay. I'd sell to her again, for sure.
- bunnyblushies (Seller)
Positive (07/07/14) Chess Story Starry Night Angel Skirt and Headbow 07/07/14
A great item from a very nice lady! She was so helpful. I would buy from her again!
- theemilie (Buyer)
Positive (06/22/14) Chess Story Starry Night Angel Skirt (Headbow Included) 06/22/14