Comments Rating Link
Excellent seller, items were shipped fast and exactly like described!
- majinsteph (Buyer)
Positive (03/08/19) Dream Shell Button Knit Cardigan Lavender NWOT 03/08/19
Great seller!!
- tazzes (Buyer)
Positive (03/07/19) Rose Museum Tights-Pink BNWT 03/07/19
Very kind buyer, fast communication and paiement. I recommande this buyer !
- Min-Jihe (Seller)
Positive (02/04/19) Btssb handkerchief 02/04/19
Nice buyer, highly recommended! :)
- Chocola93 (Seller)
Positive (08/13/18) Angelic Pretty Dreamy Sky tights in blue 08/13/18
Easy buyer. Would recommend!
- PastelPastries (Seller)
Positive (03/23/18) Dream Sky with Headbow 03/23/18
Such a sweet and kind seller she even put a little picture in my package :) would definitely buy from her again.
- TaylorM (Buyer)
Positive (02/04/18) Bodyline Carousel JSK in pink 02/04/18
A pleasant transaction, would recommend!
- KikiBunny (Buyer)
Positive (01/06/18) Bodyline Pink Floral Tiered Skirt 01/06/18