Comments Rating Link
A perfect buyer! great communication and fast payment. Thanks and enjoy!
- Ophidia (Seller)
Positive (06/29/17) Dolly Cross JSK set in Navy 06/29/17
good buyer!
- leyla (Seller)
Positive (06/28/17) Two Metamorphose towels 06/28/17
Very friendly communication, everything went perfectly well. Thank you very much! :D
- Suessing (Buyer)
Positive (06/26/17) Sailor Short Sleeve T-shirt White 06/26/17
Good transaction
- lolifairy (Seller)
Positive (06/06/17) Innocent World Accessories 06/06/17
Great seller! Would love to buy from again :)
- blackroseprincess (Buyer)
Positive (06/01/17) Gothic Lolita Bible 58 06/01/17
Everything went well. Thank you!
- LadyElowen (Seller)
Positive (05/30/17) Innocent World Beluga JSK (Black/Short) 05/30/17
Excellent buyer, no issues whatsoever, thank you!
- (Seller)
Positive (05/27/17) [Classic set x 3] Mary Magdalene, Victorian Maiden 05/27/17
I bought a pair of socks from her, and the entire process was smooth and pleasant. They arrived to me only a few days after payment. Thanks!
- Ziggysunshine (Buyer)
Positive (05/27/17) Angelic Pretty black socks 05/27/17
Excellent communication, fast payment. Thank you!
- Mira (Seller)
Positive (05/23/17) Metamorphose Sailor Pinafore dress+hat set 05/23/17
Prompt payment, good communication just like the previous time :)
- Mira (Seller)
Positive (05/23/17) Metamorphose Apprentice Sorcerer JSK 05/23/17
Quick shipping and item arrived in great shape! Thank you!
- minusfriedegg (Buyer)
Positive (05/15/17) Innocent World Beluga Long Black 05/15/17
- sara.booberry (Buyer)
Positive (05/15/17) Vintage Sailor Cardigan White 05/15/17
Thank you for purchasing from Wunderwelt!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (05/10/17) L-1494 **Discolored** Victorian maiden Tulle Lace Coat Dress pink 05/10/17
Thank you for purchasing from Wunderwelt!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (05/10/17) L-1520 metamorphose Sailor Cuffs blue 05/10/17
thankyou so very much i love gato designs
- Lika (Buyer)
Positive (05/10/17) A. Gato Designs Blue Alice Skirt 05/10/17
Fast payment!! A pleasure to make business with you
- Zuria Maxicimam (Seller)
Positive (05/05/17) FULL SET: Baroque x Sakizo, Rapunzel JSK+tights+blouse+bonnet 05/05/17
Fast payment!! A pleasure to make business with you.
- Zuria Maxicimam (Seller)
Positive (05/05/17) Baroque x Sakizo: SET Secret Garden Rococo OP + BONNET 05/05/17
Thank you so much, item came exactly as it was described! Very cute!
- kiragleam (Buyer)
Positive (04/30/17) Peace Now Tie 04/30/17
Thank you for purchasing from Wunderwelt on Lace Market!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (04/24/17) L-1171 **Signs of use** Angelic Pretty Socks/Tights set (6 pairs) 04/24/17
Wonderful buyer! Smooth transaction with quick payment, thanks again :)
- DianaS2 (Seller)
Positive (04/19/17) Various Brand Hair Accessories in Black, White, Navy 04/19/17