Comments Rating Link
Paid promptly and had good communication, thanks!
- AkikoDesu (Seller)
Positive (05/06/23) Melty Moon Ring! 05/06/23
Blouse was in great condition when received
- autumn_nites (Buyer)
Positive (05/06/23) Tiny Garden Blouse 05/06/23
Thank you for the smooth transaction!
- thegibofgabs (Seller)
Positive (05/02/23) Heart E Floral JSK + KC 05/02/23
Great buyer, thanks!
- buttcape (Seller)
Positive (04/16/23) English Gothic & Lolita Bible - Autumn 2008 04/16/23
Great buyer, thanks!
- buttcape (Seller)
Positive (04/16/23) English Gothic & Lolita Bible - Winter 2009 04/16/23
Always a pleasure to work with this buyer! Great communication, quick payment, everything always goes smoothly. Thanks again :)
- melonpan047 (Seller)
Positive (04/14/23) Angelic Pretty Melty Chocolate Embroidered Border OTKs in Mint x Pink 04/14/23
Amazing seller! Shipped out quickly and was informative about any changes
- MewMewMadness (Buyer)
Positive (04/11/23) BTSSB Louise Frill Pullover Cutsew 04/11/23
Would buy from again!
- MewMewMadness (Buyer)
Positive (04/11/23) [RESERVED FOR MR SEAN ] 04/11/23
Great buyer! Thank you so much!
- Haezeh (Seller)
Positive (01/01/23) Angelic Pretty ~ Angel Ribbon Veil Headband in Black 01/01/23
Very good communication, and very nice <3
- jewelness (Buyer)
Positive (12/20/22) Ank Rouge Cape [reserved] 12/20/22
In great condition and shipping was fast, thank you!
- breadsticks (Buyer)
Positive (12/19/22) Axes Femme Blouse 12/19/22
A very sweet seller and I love the coat, Thank you! <3
- agtsparkels (Buyer)
Positive (12/07/22) Milk Coat [ moving sale] 12/07/22
So cozy! <3
- agtsparkels (Buyer)
Positive (12/07/22) Axes Femme Pink Scarf [Moving Sale] 12/07/22
Great buyer
- MidnightPumpkin (Seller)
Positive (12/01/22) Heart E Headband, Free US Shipping 12/01/22
Items were as described and arrived quickly. Great seller!!!
- Wednesday (Buyer)
Positive (11/23/22) Gosu Rori Mook Bundle 11/23/22
The head bow was very well packed!
- clackie1 (Buyer)
Positive (11/16/22) AATP Rosier Noble Grosgrain Head Bow Brown x White 11/16/22
great seller, ty!
- v4rus (Buyer)
Positive (11/15/22) IW Trump Rose Skirt [FULLY SHIRRED] 11/15/22
as described, spotless, thank you!
- Kowaichu (Buyer)
Positive (11/10/22) Dreamy Pebble Heart Headdress bxw 11/10/22
Great seller item just as described thank you
- ladychocolate (Buyer)
Positive (11/08/22) Dreamy Pebble Heart Headdress bxb 11/08/22
Smooth transaction as always! Thank you for shopping! :)
- Nielien (Seller)
Positive (11/04/22) Metamorphose - Jewel Butterfly High Waist Drape JSK 11/04/22