Comments Rating Link
Great seller! Good communication and item arrived in excellent condition.
- IvoryOrchid (Buyer)
Positive (11/06/18) Angelic Pretty OTKs 11/06/18
Super sweet and responsible seller, thank you so much! <3
- cissy2010 (Buyer)
Positive (11/03/18) BtSSB Sweet Cherries Cafe Sailor Collar OP 11/03/18
an absolutely lovely seller! great communication, no issues whatsoever! would be more than happy to purchase something from them again :) everything was wrapped up SO nicely!! even included the lovely btssb brand bag & some adorable goodies! thanks so much!!! i loved every little bit, bobble, and detail! <3
- Toothless (Buyer)
Positive (10/31/18) [On Hold for Toothless] BtSSB Kumya's Glittery☆Milky Way JSK 1+ Accessories SET [ FREE SHIPPING] 10/31/18
Didnt really keep in contact with me all that much, didnt get any information on when package shipped until it was arriving next day. Would maybe buy from again/give second chance. Everything else was good, shipping cost was fine, product was as described.
- himekitsu (Buyer)
Positive (10/30/18) Angelic Pretty Ghost ring 10/30/18
Item arrived quickly and was packaged incredibly well. Thank you!
- avina (Buyer)
Positive (10/23/18) Baby the Stars Shine Bright Kumya Pin- Brooch 10/23/18
Very nice, all went well, thank you!
- Eldi (Buyer)
Positive (10/16/18) BtSSB Stardust Fantasia Pullover 10/16/18
Seller gave me a full refund. Thank you :)
- Kimmy117 (Buyer)
Positive (10/15/18) [On Hold] Baby the Stars Shine Bright short black petticoat 10/15/18
Super perfect sale, so happy to have bought from this seller.
- Saicahime (Buyer)
Positive (10/07/18) Baby the Stars Shine Bright Le Bouquet Éternel Damask Print OTKs 10/07/18
Amazing buyer! Super sweet and great to work with!
- incredibug (Seller)
Positive (10/06/18) AatP Electric Circus in the Moonlight Night JSK Ⅰ - Free US Shipping 10/06/18
Wonderful seller, quick shipping and great communication. Product is in good condition and was packaged well.
- chelly_chick (Buyer)
Positive (10/05/18) Baby the Stars Shine Bright Black Petticoat 10/05/18
Item came just as described and timely! Thank you so much!
- RufflesRainbows (Buyer)
Positive (10/05/18) Baby the Stars Shine Bright Kuma Kumya's Face Towel Handkerchief 10/05/18
It feels so good to get a dream item! Wonderful seller, A++
- SansSheriff (Buyer)
Positive (10/05/18) Alice and the Pirates Pin Cushion ring 10/05/18
Smooth transaction! Great seller!
- Alchemy And Gold (Buyer)
Positive (10/01/18) Angelic Pretty Lyrical Bunny Head Bow 10/01/18
- babyneko (Seller)
Positive (09/28/18) Stardust Fantasia ~Holoscope of Twins Star Kittens~ Head Bow 09/28/18
This seller was perfect in every way
- JustineSchmidt (Buyer)
Positive (09/24/18) Angelic Pretty Sweet Ribbon Jabot Cutsew 09/24/18
Lovely dress, quick shipping and beautifully wrapped!! Thank you so much!!
- silverecho (Buyer)
Positive (09/23/18) Angelic Pretty Day Dream Carnival JSK Black Colorway 09/23/18
Thank you!
- salted_almonds (Buyer)
Positive (09/21/18) Q-Pot Tote bag from EMook 09/21/18
Very good seller!!! Highly recommended!!!
- dannyleungyp (Buyer)
Positive (09/20/18) Baby The Stars Shine Bright Strawberry Drops Tights 09/20/18
Lovely seller, thanks so much :)
- livolivs42 (Buyer)
Positive (09/14/18) Alice and the Pirates Beaded Waist Chain 09/14/18
Great seller, thanks!
- livolivs42 (Buyer)
Positive (09/14/18) Angelic Pretty Angelic Bat Choker 09/14/18