Comments Rating Link
Great buyer, thank you very much!
- shankachu (Seller)
Positive (01/12/21) Millefleurs corset jsk in navy 01/12/21
Lovely buyer, fast payment, thank you for the purchase! 💕
- fruitjelly (Seller)
Positive (12/23/20) NWT Angelic Pretty Dressy Time JSK (2017) in wine red 12/23/20
Buyer was responsive to messages, paid promptly, and let me know when the item arrived. I would happily sell to this person again. Thank you! :)
- azukitan (Seller)
Positive (12/19/20) [FREE US SHIP] Metamorphose Rejeana Velveteen Mini JSK set, wine 12/19/20
Great buyer! Thanks a ton for your purchase! 💜
- Tommyandolli1 (Seller)
Positive (12/18/20) Usakumya chan is Petit Pâtissier Judy Jsk SET (Headbow included) 12/18/20
Good communication and fast shipping, thank you!
- meelktea (Buyer)
Positive (12/05/20) Angelic Pretty - British Bear (Red) JSK 12/05/20
Nice and easy transaction!
- atomicwarplease (Seller)
Positive (12/02/20) Castle Mirage JSK & Bonnet Set (Trade OK) 12/02/20
Fast payment, good communication.
- genesisoftheend (Seller)
Positive (12/01/20) Btssb Bless from Michael JSK set 12/01/20
Thanks for buying. Confirmed addressed and paid fast!
- seaio1917 (Seller)
Positive (11/09/20) BTSSB Dreaming Lace Bonnet - Saxe Blue 11/09/20
Items received safely. The Jsk is gorgeous thank you!
- DanikaMilles (Buyer)
Positive (09/29/20) Wingswish - Snow Kingdom Jumperskirt + Headbow + Cuffs Set 09/29/20
Quick payment and communication. Thank you ^_^
- asncookie (Seller)
Positive (08/13/20) IW Rose Gobelin Corset JSK SET 08/13/20
An excellent buyer in every way! Would totally sell to her again. <3
- terebinth (Seller)
Positive (08/01/20) BABY Whisper of the Kompeito Milky Way and the Moonlit Banquet Whip JSK in pink - shappo 08/01/20
Great buyer! Paid quickly and was a pleasure to work with. Thank you <3
- qbeau (Seller)
Positive (07/27/20) Metamorphose Dim Light Set 07/27/20
great seller very nice and accommodating :)
- JinxWolf1 (Buyer)
Positive (07/15/20) Nine Odes - Spring in the Garden Set 07/15/20
Great buyer! Fast payment. Thank you!
- Rainies (Seller)
Positive (05/13/20) Baby the Stars Shine Bright Antoine Bouquet navy Headdress 05/13/20