Comments Rating Link
package arrived super fast and just as described!
- cherubowm (Buyer)
Positive (12/03/21) IW Trump Button Blouse (2003) 12/03/21
Fast payment and great communication! Thank you for shopping ^^
- Nielien (Seller)
Positive (11/30/21) Angelic Pretty - Wonder Party Mini Sleeve JSK + Headbow 11/30/21
Overall great seller! Quick communication and had no issues! Thank you so much!
- thth5981 (Buyer)
Positive (11/25/21) IW Half-Coat with Faux Fur in Red 11/25/21
Great seller, fast with sending the invoice and communicative throughout the process! Thank you :)
- 0m1k0 (Buyer)
Positive (11/24/21) [RESERVED for 0m1k0] BPN Standing Collar Blouse 11/24/21
Buyer responded politely and quickly to communication. Excellent person
- ahavens (Seller)
Positive (11/05/21) Cotton Candy Feet Black Heels 11/05/21
Great buyer! Very smooth transaction and fast payment. Thanks!
- Tommyandolli1 (Seller)
Positive (10/20/21) Angelic Pretty Pink Cutsew 10/20/21
Very friendly buyer! Extremely communicative and quick, would sell to again! Thank you!
- roundmidnite (Seller)
Positive (10/06/21) Floral Bodyline Skirt (waist ~75CM) 10/06/21