Comments Rating Link
Seller shipped promptly and the item was as described. Thanks!
- hennrie (Buyer)
Positive (01/31/19) Voodooodolly De Manu Mortis Brooch 01/31/19
Great buyer! Paid super fast!
- MirrorMannequin (Seller)
Positive (01/29/19) h.Naoto T.Kunitomo Bustled Embroidered 2-Way Skirt/Dress 01/29/19
Great buyer! Paid super fast!
- MirrorMannequin (Seller)
Positive (01/29/19) h.Naoto Frill Long Layered Skirt 01/29/19
Seller was absolutely stellar. Very friendly and fast to reply to messages and even corrected something when I inquired about it. Shipping was fast and very well packaged. Fantastic experience, thanks again!
- shinami (Buyer)
Positive (01/20/19) Metamorphose Straw Hat 01/20/19
Wonderful seller! Kept great communication, shipped quickly, arrived in a timely manner, well packaged and in excellent condition. They even included cute washi tape as a gift.
- chiiyo-rin (Buyer)
Positive (01/17/19) Peppermint Fox LE 2016 Halloween Hettie 01/17/19
Wonderful seller! Kept great communication, shipped quickly, arrived in a timely manner, well packaged and in excellent condition. They even included cute washi tape as a gift.
- chiiyo-rin (Buyer)
Positive (01/17/19) Peppermint Fox Brooch- Johannes 2016 01/17/19
Wonderful seller! Kept great communication, shipped quickly, arrived in a timely manner, well packaged and in excellent condition. They even included cute washi tape as a gift .
- chiiyo-rin (Buyer)
Positive (01/17/19) Peppermint Fox 2017 Halloween Austen 01/17/19
Wonderful seller! Kept great communication, shipped quickly, arrived in a timely manner, well packaged and in excellent condition. They even included cute washi tape as a gift .
- chiiyo-rin (Buyer)
Positive (01/17/19) Peppermint Fox 2017 Halloween Hettie 01/17/19
Great seller! Item arrived quickly, in perfect condition, and just as described. Thanks so much!
- ThingsWeNeverDid (Buyer)
Positive (01/16/19) Metamorphose Hoodie 01/16/19
Friendly seller, the dress got to me very quickly and fits perfectly! Would definitely buy from again! Thanks! :)
- angelqueen9989 (Buyer)
Positive (01/16/19) US SHIP Included Little Dipper OP- Black, XXL Size 01/16/19
I bought this bolero a week ago, and it arrived quickly and nicely wrapped. A very smooth transaction, thank you!
- Ziggysunshine (Buyer)
Positive (01/16/19) Glitter Tale Bolero- Long Arm, Plus Size Friendly 01/16/19
Seller was excellent 10/10
- Gaia798 (Buyer)
Positive (01/15/19) Peppermint Fox Pin- Maple the Mushroom Fox 01/15/19
Everything was packaged with love and care. Seller allowed me to combine shipping as well. !0/10
- Gaia798 (Buyer)
Positive (01/15/19) Peppermint Fox Crowning Glory Tiny Companion 01/15/19
She was very understanding when I had a power outage and couldn't pay within the 24 hours she had on her bio. Packaged nicely and everything came as described. She even added cute stickers to my order. Thank you so much! I would highly recommend her as a seller. She's very professional and prompt with communication.
- naobabao (Buyer)
Positive (01/15/19) Floral Notebook Cream Blouse- Plus Size + Long Arm Friendly 01/15/19
I hope the bonnet treats you well! Payment was very prompt and would totally sell to again.
- Corecat (Seller)
Positive (01/07/19) Triple fortune bonnet 01/07/19
Item received in a timely manner, and fully as described. Thank you!
- WyldKyss (Buyer)
Positive (09/25/18) Physical Drop Overdress Off-White 09/25/18
Everything went super smoothly, seller kept in touch quickly. Shippings were reasonable and very fast, I was legit surprised when I received it! Thank you so much again for the whole sale and the little freebies ;)
- Tiya (Buyer)
Positive (09/19/18) Punyus Plus-size brand Strawberry Embroidery Jacket 09/19/18
excellent seller, thanks so much! I was aware of all flaws, except for that the shirring's elastic had gone bad. (it worked out anyway since it made it a bit bigger lol) other than that, very pleased! ♡
- prettypeach (Buyer)
Positive (07/31/18) Metamorphose Sweets Collection 2006 High Waisted JSK- DAMAGED 07/31/18
Easy transaction!
- leftarrowthree (Buyer)
Positive (07/14/18) BTSSB Pocket Embroidery JSK Navy Size LL 07/14/18
item as desc ty
- moonlightnite (Buyer)
Positive (07/12/18) Mossbadger Fox Rosette 07/12/18