Comments Rating Link
Perfect buyer and transaction! Would gladly sell to again.
- slothsoup (Seller)
Positive (09/26/22) Meta Name of Guardian Set in Black 09/26/22
Good buyer, thank you.
- byoku (Seller)
Positive (09/19/22) NWT ~ Maple Wigs Pink Ringlet Wig 09/19/22
quick payment !
- imyourkitty (Seller)
Positive (09/02/22) [NWOT] DALAO - Samukawa Wig - Pink Ombre w/ Free Cap 09/02/22
Wonderful buyer, they communicated kindly & sent payment quickly! Thank you!!
- gracezero (Seller)
Positive (08/25/22) Angelic Pretty Chinoiserie Jumperskirt- NWOT 08/25/22
Great buyer, highly recommend :) enjoy the dress!
- fedora (Seller)
Positive (07/15/22) AP Elegant Marine JSK *black* 07/15/22
Buyer was very easy to communicate with, payment was prompt, overall a very easy transaction! I would recommand! Hope you'll like that dress as much as I did!
- milky (Seller)
Positive (06/15/22) *CC* AatP Melty Mermaid Princess JSK Please read desc.! 06/15/22
fast payment, recommend!
- Agraynel (Seller)
Positive (06/08/22) NWOT taobao black headband with jewelries and ribbons black 06/08/22
Very good buyer, payment is very quick, reply very fast! Be friendly! Highly recommended!
- sunny_rnot (Seller)
Positive (06/03/22) Angelic Pretty Sugary Carnival BLACK OP + KC (2021) 06/03/22