Comments Rating Link
Seller shipped extremely fast, arrived in neat packaging, and item was as described. Would buy from again.
- kaltz (Buyer)
Positive (12/08/19) Magic Tea Party Zodiac High waist Skirt in blue XL 12/08/19
Dress arrived exactly as described. She also shipped very quickly. Easy seller to buy from!
- industrialkitty (Buyer)
Positive (11/29/19) Innocent World brown long JSK 11/29/19
Well-packaged and quickly shipped! Easy to deal with seller, great value! Item was exactly as described.
- industrialkitty (Buyer)
Positive (11/29/19) Innocent World Classical Chair JSK in black long 11/29/19
I purchased two items from this seller, both of which were exactly as described. They shipped quickly, within 24 hours of payment. I'm very happy with my purchase!
- Idhunna (Buyer)
Positive (11/19/19) Juliette et Justine La crĂȘte d'aristocrate JSK in red size 2 11/19/19
Coat came quickly and in beautiful condition! Seller was easy to communicate with would definitely buy from them again ! :3 Thankyou!
- LobotomyBunny (Buyer)
Positive (11/19/19) Metamorphose embroidery coat dress OP 11/19/19
Would definitely buy from again. Seller had great communication, shipped very fast, and opted to refund me the difference after finding a cheaper shipping option. Great experience.
- Mel Anne Collie (Buyer)
Positive (11/18/19) Dear Celine Regimental Stripe Coat OP in gray XL 11/18/19