Comments Rating Link
Sorry I forgot to leave a feedback for soooo long... Thanks so much!! The shoes are in wonderful condition and the package arrived quickly :)
- emiliano (Buyer)
Positive (05/05/17) (Last Reduction)Angelic Pretty Lavender Tea Party Shoes size S NWT 05/05/17
Good buyer who paid smooth and good in communication.
- Kaori_ko_na (Seller)
Positive (03/17/17) Charlotte's Bear OP Set 03/17/17
These shooed have a little room but everything the seller did was above and beyond! Super neat, extremely well packed, good communication! Shipping was usps retail ground which is longer shipping but I don't mind! I wasn't in a time crunch :)
- NekoAkatsuki (Buyer)
Positive (03/07/17) Baby Honey Cross Shoes M Off White(reduction) 03/07/17
Very nice~OwO
- caromeow_sama (Buyer)
Positive (03/03/17) (Reduction)Charlotte's Bear One Piece blue Set with tights NWT 03/03/17
Seller promised the dress to someone else, she said that lacemarket won't allow her to delete the ad after a bid was posted but I don't understand why she eould promise to sell it elsewhere if she had a bid on here in the first place? Giving negative feedback for sales ethics but she was pretty sweet and seems great otherwise
- honeybear (Buyer)
Negative (03/02/17) unnamed AATP happy pack dress 03/02/17
Item was not as I had expected, as it was iridescent rather than what photos made it appear. The quality was lovely, it just wasn't what I was looking for. The item was in nwt condition and shipped super fast however. Feel free to purchase from this person.
- sorellanutella (Buyer)
Positive (11/17/16) Twinkle BABY logo over knee socks 11/17/16
Quick payment and smooth communication! Great buyer.
- zoeyfeng (Seller)
Positive (11/15/16) The Grace ~Hymn of the Departure~ JSK II in Mint 11/15/16
smooth transaction
- kulain (Seller)
Positive (11/14/16) AP Castle Mirage Tights - navy - NWT 11/14/16
smooth transaction
- kulain (Seller)
Positive (11/14/16) AP Castle Mirage Tights - navy - NWT 11/14/16
Friendly buyer, prompt payment and great communication, Thank you:)
- Ooolong-Cha (Seller)
Positive (10/19/16) The Grace ~Hymn of the Departure~ JSK I in Pink BNWT 10/19/16