Comments Rating Link
Great buyer, very patient and paid quickly.
- littlehaifisch (Seller)
Positive (07/10/16) Brown Taobao Blouse 07/10/16
Very fast payment! An excellent buyer :D
- tomatoofdoom (Seller)
Positive (07/02/16) IW Emilio OP - brown, size M 07/02/16
Thank you for a perfect transaction! Buyer paid almost instantly after I invoiced her. I would happily sell to again ^^.
- Yuriko_Terachi (Seller)
Positive (05/24/16) Metamorphose Blouse *price down* 05/24/16
Great communication and prompt payment! Would do business again!
- SoapboxSirensandCliffhangerCherubs (Seller)
Positive (05/23/16) *Reduced and approx. $7.70 shipping by boat worldwide* IW Piano Pants, AP Lacey Bow Bolero, and BABY Creamy Headdress 05/23/16