Comments Rating Link
great seller, item came quickly! very cute too i love it :)
- skroogle (Buyer)
Positive (12/19/19) MILK Cherry Camisole Cutsew Top 12/19/19
Great seller! safely packed and fast shipping
- imyourkitty (Buyer)
Positive (12/10/19) NWT Q-Pot Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Ring 12/10/19
Great seller! safely packed and fast shipping
- imyourkitty (Buyer)
Positive (12/10/19) Pink Sprinkle Cupcake Necklace 12/10/19
Great seller! safely packed and fast shipping
- imyourkitty (Buyer)
Positive (12/10/19) Clock Bracelet & Ring Set 12/10/19
quick shipping, item in perfect condition! everything perfect! thank you so much!
- twindryll (Buyer)
Positive (12/09/19) Infanta Golden Circus Ouji Set (Vest + Shorts) 12/09/19
Great communication, fast shipping and super friendly!
- LanaTheLlama (Buyer)
Positive (12/09/19) Alice and the Pirates Banquet in the Dark Night with Dancing Roses JSK I 12/09/19
Everything was perfect :D Thanks a lot
- KoN (Seller)
Positive (12/09/19) Angelic Pretty - Candy sprinkle JSK and Headdress - Lucky pack 2014 - LAVENDER - 12/09/19
Everything was perfect :D Thanks a lot
- KoN (Seller)
Positive (12/09/19) Angelic Pretty - Dream Fantasy JSK + KC SAX - 12/09/19
Great buyer!
- emmared (Seller)
Positive (12/07/19) reserved for twinklejewelparty include shipping angelic pretty cats tea party pink jsk kc set 12/07/19
Shipped quickly, offered combined shipping, included small gift with package. Lovely seller, highly recommend! :)
- himekitsu (Buyer)
Positive (12/05/19) Baby the Stars Shine Bright Jellyfish Marine Ocean Hair Pin + Bonus Shell Pin 12/05/19
Shipped quickly, offered combined shipping, included small gift with package. Lovely seller, highly recommend! :)
- himekitsu (Buyer)
Positive (12/05/19) Vintage Blue Heart Gem Faux Pearl Necklace 12/05/19
Shipped quickly, offered combined shipping, included small gift with package. Lovely seller, highly recommend! :)
- himekitsu (Buyer)
Positive (12/05/19) NWT Bodyline Sax Blue Adjustable KC Bow 12/05/19
Prompt and communicative seller. Thank you for an easy + pleasant exchange :)
- starrymouse (Buyer)
Positive (12/04/19) Emily Temple Cute Vintage Heel Hair Pin 12/04/19
it's a dream come true! I loved the dress but I love the skirt even more! Thank you so much!
- kbnoel (Buyer)
Positive (12/03/19) Angelic Pretty Milky Planet Skirt in Pink 12/03/19
Great seller!! The bag is soooo cute!
- Egg0310 (Buyer)
Positive (12/02/19) Baby the Stars Shine Bright Milk Chan Pochette Bag 12/02/19
Buyer was easy to communicate with and paid in a timely manner! Thank you!
- frillsandthrills (Seller)
Positive (12/01/19) US shipping included! Florences Medicine Chest tights in brown 12/01/19
Great buyer, met payment plan faster than expected!
- sunkittystudios (Seller)
Positive (12/01/19) Milky bear bag sax nwt Free express global shipping AP angelic pretty 12/01/19
Great buyer, met payment plan faster than expected!
- sunkittystudios (Seller)
Positive (12/01/19) FREE EXPRESS GLOBAL SHIPPING Milky Bear plush backpack pink ap Angelic pretty sale 12/01/19
Quick shipping!
- Dresden (Buyer)
Positive (11/30/19) EMERGENCY SALE Angelic Pretty Happy Garden Sax OP 11/30/19
This seller is very kind and efficient! Win! Win!
- 123-pinkiepie (Buyer)
Positive (11/27/19) Angelic Pretty Castle Mirage Canotier in Lavender 11/27/19