Comments Rating Link
Very friendly and patient buyer. Very understanding and happy to sell to again!
- apathyonna (Seller)
Positive (01/23/16) L'est Rose velvety lace bolero 01/23/16
Very friendly seller, quick to respond and quick to deliver. I'm super happy with my dress and my overall experience!
- melonsoda_fairy (Buyer)
Positive (01/04/16) Angelic Pretty Polka Dot Chocolate JSK in Black 01/04/16
Great communication, fast shipping, item as described. Would purchase from again.
- MissCupcakeGoth (Buyer)
Positive (12/13/15) Atelier Pierrot Striped Headbow 12/13/15
Salopette came quickly and in pristine condition. I even got a shipping refund. Would definitely buy from again.
- candicurl (Buyer)
Positive (12/05/15) Angelic Pretty Polka Dot Chocolate Salopette in Black 12/05/15
Great Seller!
- skyghostlily (Buyer)
Positive (12/04/15) Baby the Stars Shine Bright White Blouse 12/04/15
Item came very fast and as described! Great communication! Thank you!
- pugsies (Buyer)
Positive (11/28/15) Angelic Pretty Dramatic Fur Coat 11/28/15
Item was just as described and the communication and shipping were great too! Would definitely buy from again :)
- Kairichang (Buyer)
Positive (11/26/15) Angelic Pretty Fancy Ribbon Fur Jacket 11/26/15
The blouse looks brand new and the communication was great.
- CandyAbyss (Buyer)
Positive (11/24/15) Alice and the Pirates Short Sleeve Frill Blouse 11/24/15
arrived quickly and just as described!
- ghostwitches (Buyer)
Positive (11/23/15) Shirley Temple Swan Applique Skirt 11/23/15
Awesome seller, accepted my offer and communication was great. Dress arrived quickly and safely. Thanks again!
- porcelain_chaos (Buyer)
Positive (11/18/15) {ON HOLD} Angelic Pretty Rose Toilette JSK and Headband Set in Mint 11/18/15
Great communication, really nice and dress was exactly what she said
- user14731 (Buyer)
Positive (11/11/15) {ON HOLD} Baby the Stars Shine Bright Ice Cream OP in Pink x Sax 11/11/15
fast shipping. very cooperative. Great Seller! would definitely buy from again ^^
- harmony7 (Buyer)
Positive (10/21/15) Emily Temple Cute Chiffon Dot JSK in Brown 10/21/15
Buyer communicated well, would recommend :)
- seeruh (Seller)
Positive (09/13/15) Angelic pretty Twinkle Witch Set purple 09/13/15
Fast payment. Friendly. Would recommend.
- pxoxoxo (Seller)
Positive (09/06/15) Metamorphose jacket 09/06/15
Great buyer! Fast payment and friendly communication. Thank you!
- Rainies (Seller)
Positive (08/27/15) Ista Mori Nameless Poem wine OP size M 08/27/15
Wonderful transaction, thank you!!! :)
- humanrat (Seller)
Positive (08/25/15) Emily Temple Cute tan velvet suede mori girl natural forest kei jsk 08/25/15
Quick payment, thank you!
- humanrat (Seller)
Positive (08/25/15) Jane Marple Dans Le Salon silver jsk w/ floral applique 08/25/15
Perfect skirt thank you so much! fast shipping
- moonwitch (Buyer)
Positive (08/11/15) Angelic Pretty Dreamy Girl Skirt 08/11/15
Item came securely and in good condition. Seller nice to work with. Excited to wear it!
- RosyBow (Buyer)
Positive (04/24/15) Angelic Pretty Little Bear's Cafe JSK 04/24/15
Prompt payment, great buyer!
- alanna_lioness (Seller)
Positive (02/03/15) Angelic Pretty Rose Toilette Mint JSK 02/03/15