Comments Rating Link
Thank you for buying! Was my first item I sold on lacemarket and the entire experience was pleasant :-)
- malakhim (Seller)
Positive (12/29/24) rococo heroin bunny ear bonnet cap 12/29/24
Thank you for buying!
- elise901 (Seller)
Positive (03/27/24) Collectif Vintage long and flare coat (navy) 03/27/24
Great buyer!
- Zheng Tao (Seller)
Positive (09/13/23) Lace Bow Hair Clip 09/13/23
Wonderful buyer, would definitely work with them again. Timely payment and very kind.
- glorymuffin (Seller)
Positive (09/08/23) Dr. Martens Platform Shoes - Black, Women Size 8 09/08/23
Great buyer! Good communication & timely payment! :)
- tybalitus (Seller)
Positive (08/24/23) Dramatical Murder Drama CD vol 2 New [Free US Shipping] 08/24/23
Great buyer. Paid the invoice quickly! I would not hesitate to sell to them again. Thank you so much. Hope you love the blouse!
- Mewsicbox (Seller)
Positive (08/14/23) Angelic Pretty Milky Cross Blouse 08/14/23