Comments Rating Link
No trade at the end since seller sold the dress on other website before I bought it.But she is very nice and tell me quick.
- Gotyou (Buyer)
Positive (01/06/25) Alice and the Pirates Banquet in the Dark Night with Blooming Roses OP 01/06/25
Great seller! Super nice and responsive! Dress arrived quickly and is beautiful, would definitely buy from them again!
- Rizatics (Buyer)
Positive (11/17/24) Angelic Pretty Romantic Blossom Princess JSK in Black 11/17/24
Really wonderful buyer. Fast payment and communication. 10/10 buyer.
- Uduvihm (Seller)
Positive (08/11/24) Alice and the Pirates Napoleon Jacket and Pants set 08/11/24
A very pleasant selling experience! Payment was made fast, communication had no flaws. Highly recommending this buyer!
- habren768 (Seller)
Positive (06/10/24) Néant Glass Bell Tower Cathedral Arch Necklace - Black 06/10/24
Excellent buyer, paid quick, thank you!
- Fyrhp (Seller)
Positive (05/26/24) Atelier Boz - Anneliese JSK with Cape 05/26/24
Thank you for buying from me :3
- violetnoir (Seller)
Positive (05/02/24) Juliette et Justine ivory Sacrifice pour servir JSK (Non-velveteen) 2005 05/02/24
Good buyer and fast payment, thank you 🌷
- Mandificando (Seller)
Positive (04/27/24) Moi meme Moitie Dress 2007 Rose Cotton Lace OP 04/27/24
Super sweet seller, dress shipped in a timely manner and arrived in the condition promised! Definently recommend :).
- melo (Buyer)
Positive (12/15/23) Angelic Pretty Holy rosary OP in red 12/15/23
Buyer paid promptly, was communicative and was quick to leave feedback! I would definitely recommend them
- GinoStatello (Seller)
Positive (11/22/23) Usakumya Red x Black Pochette 11/22/23
Lovely seller - clear communication too. The socks are just as described and super cute, and the postage charges were reasonable. Thank you! <3
- neoaspect (Buyer)
Positive (11/09/23) Baby the stars shine bright Full Of Stars “Bright Starry Night” OTKs in black 11/09/23
Dress is exactly as described; communication with seller was fast and easy. Would definitely buy again from them!
- Rozzy (Buyer)
Positive (09/25/23) Alice and the pirates Elizabeth bride of the death JSK in black 09/25/23
Lovely communication! Item in beautiful condition, safely packaged, and with a little trinket. Zero complaints, big recommend!
- lizzxch (Buyer)
Positive (06/26/23) Angelic Pretty Logo Pearl Headdress in black 06/26/23
very friendly buyer, everything went smoothly :)
- HitsuMitsuo (Seller)
Positive (06/16/23) MmM Coffin Lace Choker - black 06/16/23
Buyer paid promptly, was communicative and was quick to leave feedback! I would definitely recommend them! They made my very first transaction on lace market a breeze ! Thank you so much !
- Manonquiditoui (Seller)
Positive (05/14/23) Angelic Pretty - Lacy Girl Blouse in black (2018) 05/14/23
Very friendly communication :)
- HitsuMitsuo (Seller)
Positive (04/13/23) M+CROIX Nurse Cap white X white 04/13/23
Shipped quickly and packed with care, everything is as described. Thank you very much!
- naawie (Buyer)
Positive (02/23/23) Fanplusfriend Long black coat 02/23/23
Incredible buying experience! Methemoglobine went out of her way to make me feel safe when I was feeling nervous about buying an item for this much money. The correspondence was quick, detailed and extremely kind and sweet. She checked in on me every step of the way and when the package arrived I got to marvel at the cute and thoughtful way she had packaged my dress and got to read a sweet little note she had left as well! Id buy from her again any time, great seller! <3
- Xyrea (Buyer)
Positive (07/17/22) Angelic Pretty Candy Fairy OP 2021 MTO in Sax with matching headbow 07/17/22
Great buyer! Easy communication and fast payment. Thank you for your patience =)
- JouRi (Seller)
Positive (07/23/21) Alice and the pirates Angel Wings OP 07/23/21
Lovely buyer, fast payment ♥ Thank you very much ! Glad you like this wonderful dress ♥
- Amithraclya (Seller)
Positive (12/18/20) Gathered Chiffon JSK 12/18/20
Item arrived well packaged and as described. Seller is easy to work with and quick to respond. Thanks!
- AbysmalPrincess (Buyer)
Positive (03/26/20) Alice and the pirates Rosier noble grosgrain headbow in black 03/26/20