Comments Rating Link
great communication prompt payment very kind
- Kokoro (Seller)
Positive (10/31/16) Honey cake jsk $230 10/31/16
Buyer won a listing, but after the first message never paid the invoice or responded to any of my following messages or paypal reminders.
- Otobeamachine (Seller)
Negative (07/18/16) Bodyline pony socks 07/18/16
Excellent buyer! Fast payment and clear communication. Thank you, and I hope to do business with you again.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (02/15/16) Angelic Pretty Pink Strawberry Print Umbrella NWT 02/15/16
Thank you !!
- marianita (Seller)
Positive (02/08/16) BTSSB bunny earmuffs 02/08/16
Fast payment and great communication! An excellent buyer :)
- tomatoofdoom (Seller)
Positive (01/10/16) AP Dot Cute Ribbon Ribbon ring - black 01/10/16
Awesome Buyer! Paid promptly and would be happy to sell to again! Thanks for your purchase. :)
- Gemgem87 (Seller)
Positive (01/10/16) AP Polka Dot Heart Ring in Black (Shipping Included in the USA) 01/10/16
Great buyer! She responds to messages very quickly and paid promptly! Highly recommended :3
- Nights2shadows (Seller)
Positive (12/03/15) AP Candy Sprinkle Blouse 12/03/15
- beiricordi (Seller)
Positive (11/28/15) Emergency sale!- Cherry Berry Bunny OP set! 11/28/15
Bad experience. :( This buyer attempted to back out of an auction for a reason that didn't make much sense to me, but when I tried to communicate with her about it, she never responded. She was eventually the winner of the auction, and I thought maybe sending her an invoice would get her attention, but no such luck. I understand things come up and life goes on, but simply saying "I don't want to pay that much" and never again communicating is inconsiderate, rude, and a waste of my time.
- euphy_hime (Seller)
Negative (10/21/15) AP Star Night Theater OP, Headbow, & OTK set 10/21/15
great buyer thank you highly reccomend
- Kokoro (Seller)
Positive (10/15/15) Fantastic dolly jsk otks hdbw and bag Set HOLD 10/15/15
Very good and easy transaction! Thank you
- angiiichan (Seller)
Positive (07/09/15) $50US AP Lyrical Bunny 2Way Bag 07/09/15
Lovely person to do business with! Paid and responded to my messages very quickly!!
- Theresa-May (Seller)
Positive (07/03/15) Lyrical Party Pink jsk + headbow 07/03/15