Comments Rating Link
Super sweet and communicative buyer. Smooth sale, Canada Post strike notwithstanding!! I would definitely sell to this buyer again. :)
- shioriofthewood (Seller)
Positive (01/09/25) IW Orchestra Instruments Skirt in Bordeaux 01/09/25
Quick payment and easy communication!! Recommended, lovely buyer!
- AikoAkabane (Seller)
Positive (02/28/24) *final* Innocent world Roman Trump JSK 02/28/24
Great to communicate with and let me know everything arrived safely. Thank you!
- angelic-petty (Seller)
Positive (02/23/24) Angelic Pretty Black KC 02/23/24
Great to communicate with and let me know everything arrived safely. Thank you!
- angelic-petty (Seller)
Positive (02/23/24) Baby the Stars Shine Bright Plastic KC + Bracelet 02/23/24
Great to communicate with and let me know everything arrived safely. Thank you!
- angelic-petty (Seller)
Positive (02/23/24) Metamorphose White JSK with Black Trim 02/23/24
Thank you for shopping with me!Hope you love the dress.
- shuliy (Seller)
Positive (06/10/23) Innocent world Snow White and the Red Apples JSK in blue 06/10/23