Comments Rating Link
Didn't pay. Ignored my first message and then told me they'd found it for cheaper. They agreed to pay in the end anyways, but it's been over a week since I sent the invoice + reminder and it's been silent. I will be relisting.
- vvero (Seller)
Negative (11/15/24) Milky Planet MTO Headbow KC 11/15/24
Buyer forgot to ask for shipping quote before purchasing and was unable to complete the purchase. They did apologise. please make sure to read terms of sale next time! <3
- SophiePatrece (Seller)
Negative (11/05/24) Liz Lisa purple fluffy coat 11/05/24
Did not pay for item, ignored all messages.
- TempestPaige (Seller)
Negative (08/24/24) Dreaming Macaron Skirt *STAINED* 08/24/24
Sold the item on 6/26 and sent two messages but received no response. It's been a week and I will be relisting, thank you.
- opalescentmirage (Seller)
Negative (07/03/24) Honey Cake Bag - Damaged 07/03/24