Comments | Rating | Link |
I previously sold an item to this buyer, and once again this was a perfect transaction. Thank you!
- DreamyWanderer (Seller) |
Positive (02/22/25) | (Final Price Drop) NWT Atelier Boz Rieden Long Pants |
Thank you! Great buyer
- frankenstein (Seller) |
Positive (10/06/24) | Btssb bag |
Wonderful buyer! Very easy to work with. Highly recommend. Thank you!
- Leepy (Seller) |
Positive (08/18/24) | AATP black blouse w/chain |
Recommend buyer. Enjoy your item!
- DreamyWanderer (Seller) |
Positive (08/03/24) | Putumayo Long Belt Blouse |
Despite the struggles with postal service, the buyer was very patient and also let me know that the item arrived safely! Good communication :)
- Illuminator (Seller) |
Positive (10/14/23) | Putumayo Sailor Collar Cutsew |
Prompt payment, good communication, would sell to again.
- Ilium (Seller) |
Positive (07/11/23) | Marble Long Sleeve Blouse |
A great buyer
- Kaori_ko_na (Seller) |
Positive (07/09/23) | baby btssb kuma kumya mini bag |