Comments Rating Link
Great buyer, excellent communication. Would happily sell to again. Thank you so much!
- sugarpotato (Seller)
Positive (08/25/16) Aatp Black Logo OTK's from Kitten’s Wonder Night Tea Party 08/25/16
Lovely trustworthy buyer! Was quick to pay invoice and respond to messages. I'd happily sell to them again. Thanks so much!
- qbeau (Seller)
Positive (08/24/16) Black ETC blouse 08/24/16
A perfect buyer! Thanks so much, and enjoy!
- Ophidia (Seller)
Positive (08/23/16) Paraiso du un Unicorn skirt 08/23/16
Lovely buyer! Prompt payment and very friendly. Thank you!
- Ophidia (Seller)
Positive (08/23/16) ETC Mad Tea Party skirt 08/23/16
Excellent buyer, very good communication, prompt payment. A pleasure to do business with, thank you.
- Stella (Seller)
Positive (08/16/16) Atelier Boz tulle petticoat 08/16/16